OPHA membership is transitioning from running on the calendar year to join date! Current members need to log-in to the website to renew. If your membership has lapsed, you will be required to complete the membership application again.

Attention! Please note that OPHA is reevaluating individual and organizational membership dues and benefits, to go into effect January 1, 2025. Take advantage of the current rates today!

Benefits of Membership

Individuals (Professionals, Students & Retirees):

        • Access to free webinars featuring Oklahoma experts across a range of public health topics
        • Monthly newsletters featuring OPHA updates, APHA updates, partner updates, and job opportunities
        • Involvement in OPHA's interest-based Section, Caucuses & Committees (SCCs)
        • Networking with state and national public health professionals
        • Professional development and learning opportunities at our annual conference and special events
        • Reduced annual conference registration fees
        • Discounts on swag (T-shirts, mugs, etc)
        • Waived fees for OPHA-sponsored continuing education credits ($15 per credit hour for non-members)
        • State and national public health policy, legislation, and litigation updates
        • Representation in OPHA's advocacy activities for promoting public health in Oklahoma
        • Advocacy opportunities to advance the health of Oklahoma
Organizational Members:
        • All individuals covered under Organizational Memberships receive the same benefits as Individual Members
        • Discounted cost per member (Cost per member will increase in 2025!)
        • Organizational logo featured in multiple locations in OPHA's website
        • Recognition on certain annual conference materials

Individual Membership

Members come from a variety of professional backgrounds and work in many different settings:

  • Colleges and universities
  • Community health agencies
  • Behavioral health agencies
  • Primary care
  • Tribal public health services
  • Local, state, and federal agencies
  • and more!

How do I become an Individual Member?

Individuals should complete OPHA's individual membership application through our website.

2024 Membership Types & Dues:

 Membership Type Term  Dues ($) 
 Regular 1 yr $60
 Regular (2-year) 2 yrs $100
 Student  1 yr $25
 Community Health Worker 1 yr $25
 Retiree  1 yr $25

Organizational Membership

Organizational membership is for:         

  • Organizations
  • Agencies
  • Institutions
  • Programs
  • Departments
  • Businesses
  • And any group or sub-unit interested in public health
How can my group become an Organizational Member?

Complete our Organizational Membership Form! All organizational membership applications are reviewed and approved during or before the monthly OPHA Board meeting following receipt of application. Board meetings are held the 2nd Friday of each month.

Membership Types & Dues:

Organizational Membership Dues are based on the total number of individuals (full-time employees, students, etc.). Organizational membership dues are capped at a maximum of $10,000.

Organizational Members



Oklahoma Public Health Association
121 NE 52nd Street, Suite 260
Oklahoma City, OK 73105