Thank you for visiting OPHA's 2025 Conference webpage! Please save the date and plan to join us for our annual conference scheduled for Monday & Tuesday, September 15-16 at the University of Central Oklahoma's (UCO) Nigh University Center in Edmond, Oklahoma. Additional information, such as calls for abstracts and hotel information, will be added to this webpage and announced via our emails and social media as it is finalized. Registration will also be linked on this page once it is live.


This year, the OPHA Conference Committee will be separating our call for abstracts on research-based posters and oral presentations from our request for presentations on public health practice, programs, and work in-progress that are not research-based and do not require peer review. Please expect a call for research abstracts in late March or April. All abstracts will be submitted through a Google form that will be linked on this page. We anticipate requiring the following elements for all research-based abstracts.

    • Presenting author name, pronouns, bio (limited to 75 words), and credentials
    • Additional author names, pronouns, and credentials
    • Abstract title (limited to 25 words)
    • Preferred format (oral or poster)
    • At least 3 learning outcomes, beginning with action verbs, that describe what the audience will learn from the presented research
    • Abstract text (limited to 250 words) which MUST include background, objective(s), methods, results, and conclusion sections


OPHA offers conference awards each year to celebrate and uplift public health professionals who are positively impacting public health outcomes and practice in Oklahoma. Please stay tuned for a call for nominations in spring 2025! 


This year, OPHA will separate our request for presentations on public health practice, programs, and work in-progress that are not research-based and do not require peer review from our formal call for abstracts on research-based posters and oral presentations. Please direct your interest in presenting your non-research public health practice and programming to director@okpublichealth.org at your earliest ability so we may consider and schedule you in programming in a timely manner.


OPHA is planning to offer CPH and CHES credits at our 2025 conference. Certificates of attendance will also be available. Please express interest in additional credit types to OPHA's Conference Committee to admin@okpublichealth.org at your earliest convenience so we may explore offering additional credit types.

OPHA Provider Information

  • NCHEC (CHES/MCHES) Provider #101897

Oklahoma Public Health Association
129 W Gray St #83
Norman, OK 73069


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