As an affiliate of the American Public Health Association (APHA), the Oklahoma Public Health Association provides one representative to the APHA Governing Council.  This position is called the Affiliate Representative to the APHA Governing Council and is appointed by the OPHA President. The term of this position is three years and may serve more than one term. The ARGC is a voting member on the OPHA Board of Directors.


OPHA ARGC responsibilities include:

  • The ARGC must be a member of APHA and the member Affiliate.
  • The ARGC should serve a three-year term.
  • The ARGC should be a voting member of the Affiliate governing body or executive committee/board.
  • The ARGC will attend and encourage other Affiliate members to attend the Affiliate Day meeting at the APHA Annual Meeting.
  • The ARGC will participate, as instructed, in the annual Committee on Affiliates (CoA) elections.

APHA ARGC responsibilities include:

  • Advises the Joint Policy Committee during the policy development process in regards to the appropriateness of proposed affiliate action.
  • Maintains liaison with the CoA chairperson.
  • Ensures that the Affiliate has reviewed and approved APHA policy resolutions, and that information on planned follow-up.
  • Affiliate actions are shared between the Affiliates.
  • Reports on Association policy implementation efforts at the Affiliate Day meeting.

OPHA's Current ARGC – McKenzie Cowlbeck

For more information about the APHA Council of Affiliates, please go to:

Oklahoma Public Health Association
121 NE 52nd Street, Ste. 260
Oklahoma City, OK 73105