Oklahoma's 2025 regular legislative session officially began on February 3, 2025 (the first Monday in February) and ends (the last Friday in May) on Friday, May 30, 2025, at the latestThe Oklahoma Public Health Association's (OPHA's) Policy Committee works to identify state public health policy issues and promote the passage of health policies and laws that are best practice in public health. After reviewing all 3,000+ filed bills filed for the 1st regular session of the 60th Legislature, OPHA has compiled the following resources on this page to assist you in keeping up with bills, watching bill discussions, and contacting legislators and their assistants:

    • Our bill tracking spreadsheet, including 200+ tracked bills
    • Instructions and links to access live-streamed or recorded bill discussions
    • Legislator and assistant contact information
    • and our Calling A Legislator infographic below!

Watch Bill Discussions Live-streamed or Recorded

Scheduling time to make it to the Capitol to watch legislators discuss bills during the already busy spring season, between work and personal commitments, and everything else is challenging at best or, more likely than not, totally unfeasible. However, there's an easy, free, and accessible way you can watch committee hearings and floor debates from anywhere and anytime. You can watch them either livestreamed or recorded on the House and Senate's respective streaming webpages! Please follow the instructions below to do so. Be sure to have the scheduled date, time, and name of the committee or chamber that will be discussing your bill at hand. Not sure where to find it? Reference OPHA's tracked bills above or look it up on oklegislature.gov's website using the bill number here.

  1. Navigate to the House recording and live streams webpage to watch a House committee hearing and chamber floor discussion (for bills beginning with "HB") or the Senate recording and live streams webpage to watch Senate committee hearings and chamber floor discussions (for bills beginning with "SB").
  2. Click the "Recordings" or "Now Playing" tabs on the left side of the page to watch hearing recordings or live streams, respectively.
  3. Identify the correct live stream or recording according to the bill's listed hearing date and time, sub/committee name, and room number. Not sure when the hearing scheduled? Check our tracking sheet below or look it up on https://www.oklegislature.gov/BasicSearchForm.aspx.
  4. Hover over the correct live stream or recording to click to start! If watching a recording, you will likely have to fast forward to the start of the hearing.

Speak for Public Health!

See a bill you feel strongly about? You can advocate for or against the bill by contacting legislators! Find a full list of the legislators and their staff below, and feel free to follow our "calling a legislator" infographic to get you started! The guide can be easily adapted into an email or speaking with a legislator's assistant.

Oklahoma Public Health Association
129 W Gray St #83
Norman, OK 73069


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