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Sponsorship $2,500

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– 1 6’ rectangular exhibitor table during both days of OPHA's 2024 Conference on November 8-9. Sponsors may forgo their exhibitor table. – Name & logo recognition on OPHA’s website – Name & logo recognition on conference materials where all sponsors are featured – Name & logo recognition in own post on OPHA social media OPHA social media (Instagram, LinkedIn & Facebook), including being tagged in posts – Name & logo alongside fellow sponsors in OPHA social media (Instagram, LinkedIn & Facebook), including being tagged in posts – 2 registrations, 1 for the individual tabling and 1 additional to be used at the sponsor’s discretion. An access code(s) to register free of charge will be provided upon purchase. If not tabling, the sponsor may use the registration at their discretion. UPGRADE from $1500 – Exhibitor table located in priority space – Featured in all OPHA newsletters leading up to conference (released first Monday of each month) NOTES – Upon payment, you will receive a confirmation email with your free registration code and a Google form link to submit sponsor information. We can begin promoting your organization as soon as we receive the form, and you may use your free registration code at any time. – Your organization will not be considered a sponsor until both sponsor purchase and sponsor form are submitted.

Oklahoma Public Health Association
121 NE 52nd Street, Ste. 260
Oklahoma City, OK 73105